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Warsaw Chess Club

Welcome to the place where business meets chess.

Home: Witamy

Warsaw Chess Club

Warsaw Chess Club is a community of entrepreneurs, managers and other business people who share a love for chess. 

It is easier to meet an entrepreneur playing chess here than a chess player running a company. We believe that everyone can play chess, regardless of the level. 

Our goal is to have fun, compete, and make contacts in a unique way - at the chessboard .

Chess Business League


The Chess Business League is a year-round project in which teams from different companies and organizations compete against each other. Teams are matched to each other by level, thanks to which the competition is fierce in each round.  

We spend time between games talking over coffee.


Warsaw Chess Open II


The most important annual chess tournament in Warsaw

Under the honorary patronage of Adam Struzik - Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship and Radosław Jedynak - president of the Polish Chess Federation



Warsaw Chess Club jest wspólną inicjatywą firm technologicznych, startupów oraz firm doradczych. Dążymy do tego, by promować szachy jako formę aktywnego spędzania czasu oraz wszechstronnie rozwijającą grę umysłową. Wspólne turnieje pozwalają na integrację środowiska przy jednoczesnej rywalizacji intelektualnej.

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